Introduction to Beavers
The Beavers is for 6 to 8 year old children. Our Colony meet at The Doctor Peter Centre on a Monday evening between 5pm and 6:15pm during term time and is run by Beaver Leader Zoe.
There is a waiting list for Beavers, which welcomes both girls and boys aged 6 to 8. If you would like to put your child’s name down please use the contact us page. We will then contact you back. It is never too early!
Who You Will Join
As a Beaver Scout, you will have an exciting time and make lots of new friends. You will join other boys and girls aged between six and eight years old in a group which is called a Colony. You may even be as young as 5 years and 9 months. When you are 8 years old you will move up to the Cub Scout Pack.
You will wear a smart, colourful uniform which includes a turquoise sweatshirt and your Scout Group’s own neckerchief.
What You Will Do
Each week you will meet the other Beavers in your Colony for 1 hour. You will enjoy a very wide range of activities like crafts, games, songs, stories, visits, visitors, and ceremonies organised by your Colony Leaders. You will also get the chance to enjoy some additional activities at a weekend such as walks, visits, sleepovers and fun days, different opportunities from ones in school.
As well as all the exciting things you will do with your Colony, there are a large number of activities that you can take part in with all the other Colonies in the Romsey district.
Your Badges
When you are invested as a Beaver Scout, you will be presented with your first set of badges. These are the World Membership badge, the Romsey District’s badge, the Hampshire County badge and your Scout Group nametape.
As a Beaver Scout, you can earn lots more badges. These include:
- Activity Badges for doing special activities
- Challenge Badges for doing lots of different activities
- Staged Award Badges which get increased as you get better at the activities
- Joining In badges after each year spent in your Colony
- The most important badge you can earn is the Chief Scout’s Bronze Award which shows that you have worked hard and done lots of activities in your time at Beaver Scouts
- Then, when you move into Cubs you get your last badge, the Moving on Award.
The Beaver Scout Promise – As a Beaver Scout, you make a special Beaver Scout Promise:
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.
The Beaver Scout Motto
Be prepared